Spring 2024

Non-Monogamy (Bad Reasons)

By Julia C. Alter

When I say I love you,
you say covered in wings,
or covered in wind

A band name or a catalogue
of alibis             The Most Private Thing

is an alien             a tent
of hair             a mushroom

And a mushroom
is a big white shaggy heart

multiplying in the dark

without blood             without seed

A mirror of owls
a scale of fish             our sacred geometry

and the sounds
we make on snow

Julia C. Alter received her MFA in Poetry from the Vermont College of Fine Arts. Her poems can be found in, or are forthcoming from The Southern Humanities Review, The Raleigh Review, Crab Creek Review, Sixth Finch, Foundry, Palette Poetry, Stained: An Anthology of Writing About Menstruation, and elsewhere. She lives in Vermont with her son. www.alterpoetry.com.

Spring 2024